Drawing Down the Moon
A Priestess performs the ancient ceremony of drawing down the moon. She invokes the power of the Goddess at the peak of her power under the light of a bright full moon.
New Moon Ritual Maiden, Mother, Crone Print 
In a grassy clearing at twilight, three Priestesses prepare a magick cauldron for a New Moon Ritual. From Elder to Mother to Maiden, the Sacred Knowledge is passed.
High Priestess
Inspired by the Tarot, the High Priestess is shown with the 4 Elements surrounded by Spirit, Sun, Moon, Zodiac and Planet symbols.
John Dee Portrait
Astrologer, alchemist, mathematician, mapmaker, philosopher, mystic, advisor to Queen Elizabeth I. Extremely learned, he amassed one of the greatest libraries of the Renaissance.
Wizard's Workshop
The candle illuminates the wizard's workshop. All of his magickal tools are assembled. A wand, crystal ball, various bottles and tins filled with mysterious ingredients and secret scrolls sit on his table, waiting to be used in magick spells.
John Dee Portrait Elizabethan Magician Astronomer Alchemist Mystic Philosopher Wizard Art Print
Red & White AlchemyDragons Print 
In Druidical lore, the red winged dragon symbolizes niter, the active principle of alchemy. The white wingless dragon symbolizes salt, the passive principle of alchemy.
Wizard Summons the Elements
Wizards learn the secrets of the Universe, including summoning the elements of air, fire, water and earth.  As the full moon appears from behind the clouds, lightning, thunder, rain, wind, stars and coloured lights emanate from the Wizard's hands.
Red and White Alchemy Dragons Druid Lore Pagan Art Print Black Background
White and Red Alchemical Dragons Druid Lore Pagan Art Print White Background
Isis, Supreme Mother Goddess of Egypt 
Isis is the daughter of Geb (God of the Earth) and Nut (Sky Goddess). She is the Goddess of motherhood and fertility and the protector of children. With her magickal skills she brought her husband, Osiris, back to life after he had been murdered by his brother Set. She is depicted looking out on the Nile River holding  the illusive Egyptian Blue Water Lily (often referred to as the Blue Lotus), a sacred flower prized for it's divine essence and the papyrus flower wand. Isis was worshiped in ancient Greece and Rome as well and many temples were built in her honour.
Astarte Goddess of the Evening Star
Astarte is the Mesopotamian Goddess of the Evening Star. She is also a Goddess of fertility and war. She walks on the clouds as the sun begins to set and illuminates the first star to shine.
Yemaya Ocean Goddess
Yemaya, an Ocean Goddess, is the Mother of All Living Things in the Yoruba and Santeria traditions.
Airmid Celtic Herb Goddess
Airmid is the Celtic Goddess of Herbs and Healing. Surrounded by healing herbs and flowers, Airmid wears a crown of mistletoe, a necklace of blackberries and a dress of leaves. She uses her trusty mortar and pestle. Airmid was the daughter of Diancecht, master physician of the Tuatha De Dannan. She tended all the herbs of the world and they informed her of all their secrets
. Legend says that one day, as she arranged the herbs on her cloak by their properties, her jealous father came along and shook out the cloak, scattering away all the herbal knowledge.
Cerridwen Celtic Crone Goddess
A Celtic Crone Goddess, Cerridwen presides over the Cauldron of Knowledge, the contents of which must brew for a year and a day. She is known to shape-shift in the form of a sow. The origin of the witch stirring her cauldron of brew is most likely the image of Cerridwen.
Manannon, Celtic Sea God and his Faerie Queen Wife, Fand are here.
The Morrigan, Lady of Ravens
The Morrigan is a Celtic Triple Goddess made up of the three crone goddesses of war, death and destruction (Badb, Macha and Nemain). She often appears over a battlefield in the form of a raven (crow). She prophesies the outcome of the battle and often influences it as well.
Beware the Beansidhe
The Beansidhe (usually written in English as Banshee) is the Celtic faery spirit whose keening wail announces an impending death. Her lament is usually heard at night. The beansidhe can appear as an ugly hag or as a beautiful woman. To hear the shriek of the Beansidhe or see her is quite scary indeed. An unearthly light radiates from her pale blue skin, green hair and ragged garments.
Samhain Print
Samhain is the beginning of the old Celtic new year.  It is a harvest celebration as well as the night to commune with spirits of the ancestors.
Winter Solstice Goddess
Yule, Winter Solstice or Midwinter is the celebration of the rebirth of the sun after the longest night of the year. The sun symbolizes the God born anew. The Goddess at Winter Solstice wears a crown of holly and mistletoe as she awaits the birth of her child.
Holly King GreenMan
The Holly King is the aspect of the Green Man (Oak King) honoured at the Winter Solstice (Yule) representing the waning year. He wears a crown of holly and is surrounded by mistletoe.
The Wizard Merlin
Merlin, sorcerer extraordinaire, uses his wand to light his table as he ponders ideas for magickal workings. His workshop contains a cauldron, mysterious herbs, curious ingredients, a crystal pyramid, a journal, spellbooks and ancient scrolls are at hand. His raven looks on and may offer a bit of advice.
Lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake is the High Priestess of Avalon.  She is of the Fae.  She is emerging from the lake with the magick sword, Excalibur.

Magickal Art by Morgaine du Mer MagickMermaid Studio

Samhain Halloween Autumn Harvest Print Celtic Pagan Wiccan Altar Art
MagickMermaid Studio Morgaine du Mer
Lady of the Lake Print High Priestess of Avalon Pagan Magickal Altar Art
Merlin and Raven Sorcerer Wizard Print Arthurian Legend Pagan Magickal Altar Art
Airmid Celtic Goddess of Herbs and Healing Print Pagan Mythology Altar Art Light Hair
Airmid Celtic Goddess of Herbs and Healing Print Pagan Mythology Altar Art Dark Hair
Bastet ACEO/ATC is here.
Bastet Egyptian Cat Goddess
Originally a Warrior Sun Goddess. She was later worshipped as a Moon Goddess of  protection, music, dance, family and cats.  The sistrum, a percussion instrument, is one of her symbols.  Bastet's name is written in hieroglyphs between the Eye of Horus and the Ankh on her throne.
Airmid ACEO/ATC is here.
Cerridwen ACEO/ATC is here.
Morrigan ACEO/ATC
is here.
is here.
Winter Solstice Goddess and Holly King ACEO/ATCs are here.
Welsh Red Dragon Art Print with Celtic Knotwork Border Y Ddraig Goch
Welsh Red Dragon Print
The "Y Ddraig Goch", Red Dragon, is the national symbol of Wales.  It is said to have been on the flag that King Arthur and other Celtic leaders carried into battle.
Winter Solstice Pregnant Goddess Print Yule Midwinter Pagan Sun Moon Altar Art
Egyptian God Horus
Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris is depicted as the falcon-headed Sky God.  The Eye of Horus is a protection symbol.
Horus ACEO/ATC is here.
Egyptian Sky God Falcon Horus Print Sun Moon Stars Protection Symbol Altar Art
The Morrigan Lady of Ravens Celtic Triple Goddess of War Print Pagan Mythology Altar Art

Artwork Copyright
©Morgaine du Mer 2006-2025

Website Design and Content

All Rights Reserved.

Priestess Drawing Down the Moon Print Pagan Wiccan Magick Altar Art Decor
Spring Equinox Pentacle Print Flower Wreath Pagan Wiccan Altar or Wall Art
Summer Solstice Pentacle Print Flower Wreath Pagan Wiccan Altar or Wall Art
Bastet Egyptian Cat Goddess of Music Dance Protection Fine Art Print Altar Decor
Bastet Egyptian Cat Goddess Fine Art Print Altar Decor
Viking Norse Dragon Print Ink Illustration on Parchment Pagan Altar Decor Wall Art
Viking Dragon Print Ink Illustration on White Pagan Altar Decor Wall Art

Viking Norse Dragon Print

Intricately carved dragons graced the bows of longships.  This dragon is a peaceful one for your home or altar.

Fortune Teller Print Mystic Witch Card Reader Mystic Crystal Ball Pagan Wall Art

Fortunes Told 

 " I gaze into my crystal ball. Past, present and future, I see it  all."  The Fortune Teller  divines the future and sees into the past. She can also read the tarot cards and see events to come.

  Witch's Healer's Kitchen Print Herbal Lore Pagan Wall Art Magickal Decor

The Witch's Kitchen

Herbs, cauldron, mysterious potions...all the tools of the trade. The Wise Woman collects plants and knows their healing attributes. And maybe she brews up a love potion or two.

Spellcaster Witch Cat Raven Snake Cauldron Print Halloween Fantasy Art

The SpellCaster

With various potions to choose from a Witch conjures a spell to coincide with the full moon. A little of this and a pinch of that go into the ancient black cauldron. Her trusty animal companions, cat, raven and snake, look on as the magick begins to happen.

Shapeshifter Witch Raven Cauldron Full Moon Magick Print Pagan Wall Art Altar Decor

The Shapeshifter

A woman learns the art of shapeshifting from a wise raven. As she chants the magickal words over the cauldron, a transformation slowly occurs...Her hair turns blue/black and her dress becomes feathers as she takes on the raven form. Soon she will be soaring in the air,  learning to fly with the ravens.


Goddess Isis ACEO/ATC is here.

Lady of the Lake ACEO/ATC is here.

Astarte MesopotamianGoddess of the Evening Star Print Altar Art

Astarte ACEO/ATC
is here.

Size and Season
Triple Moon Spring Equinox Flowers Print Pagan Wiccan Altar Art
Triple Moon Summer Solstice Flowers Print Pagan Wiccan Altar Art

Triple Moon ACEOs/ATCs are here.


Spring Equinox

Triple Moon Winter Solstice Greens Print Pagan Wiccan Altar Art

Spring Equinox

Seasonal Pentacles Altar Art Prints
An ancient symbol, the Pentagram represents the four elements (air, fire, water, earth) and the fifth element of spirit.

When encircled, the symbol is called a Pentacle.

Autumn Equinox Pentacle Print Fall Leaves Pagan Wiccan Altar or Wall Art
Winter Solstice Pentacle Print Holly Mistletoe Pagan Wiccan Altar or Wall Art

Autumn Equinox


Triple Moon Autumn Equinox Fall Leaves Print Pagan Wiccan Altar Art

Autumn Equinox

Pentacle Wreath ACEO/ATCs are here.



Holly King GreenMan Print Winter Solstice Yule Pagan Altar Art with Border
Holly King GreenMan Print Winter Solstice Yule Pagan Altar Art
Yemaya Ocean Goddess Altar Art Print Pagan Yoruba Santeria Mother of All Living Things Brown Eyes
Yemaya Ocean Goddess Art Print Pagan Yoruba Santeria Mother of All Living Things w Blue Eyes

Triple Moon Seasonal Altar Art Prints
Celebrate Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. Decorate your altar with seasonal flowers and leaves.

Maiden Mother Crone Print Three Priestesses Magick Pagan Wiccan Altar Art
Egyptian Goddess Isis Print Altar Art Supreme Mother Protector of Children Healer
Egyptian Mother Goddess Isis Art Print with Border Altar Décor
Samhain Harvest Moon Print
On Samhain night the spirits of departed loved ones visit the earthly plane. With a bright candle to light their way, food is served for the spirit visitors
Halloween Samhain Harvest Moon Art Print Pagan Wiccan Celtic Altar Decor
Pentagram Triquetra Heart Moon Print Pagan Wiccan Altar Art 5x7
Pentagram Triquetra Heart Moon Print on Parchment 5x7 Pagan Wiccan Altar Art
Pentagram Triquetra Heart Moon Altar Art Print
5 inches x 7 inches (12.7cm x 17.78cm)
The pentacle, a five-pointed star, surrounded by a circle is a pentagram.  It represents the the four elements (air, fire, water, earth) and spirit.
The triquetra represents the power of three.  It is found in both Celtic and and Nordic cultures.
The heart represents love.  Let love be your guide.
Moon legends and moon deities figure prominently in many cultures.  The four moon phases are associated with different energies.
Size and Season

Goddess, Magick, Celtic and Pagan Folklore Fine Art Prints

Goddesses, Gods, and Spirits of the Earth are celebrated in many cultures. From the dawn of time, humankind has endeavored to discover divine wisdom by channeling celestial energies through ritual.
Wizard Summons the Four Elements Magick Pagan Print Wiccan Altar Art
Green-Haired Banshee Beansidhe Celtic Dark Fairy Print Pagan Mythology Art
Spirit of Autumn Print
Under a bright full moon, the Spirit of Autumn is surrounded by a bountiful harvest.
Cerridwen Celtic Crone Goddess Print Pagan Mythology Altar Art  Cauldron of Knowledge
Spirit of Winter Print
The moon is full as snowflakes gently swirl around the Spirit of Winter.  She wears a crown of holly and mistletoe.
Winter Goddess Full Moon Snow Flakes Print
Winter Goddess Full Moon Snow Flakes Print w Holly Mistletoe Pine Border
Spring Goddess Full Moon Flowers Print
Spring Goddess Full Moon Flowers Print w Flower Border
Summer Goddess Full Moon Berry Harvest Print
Summer Goddess Full Moon Berry Harvest Print w Flower Border
Autumn Goddess Full Moon Harvest Print
Autumn Goddess Full Moon Harvest Print w Fall Leaves Border
Spirit of Spring Print
Vibrant flowers are blooming as the Spirit of Spring takes a moonlit walk through her garden.
Spirit of Summer Print
Colourful berries are havested as the Spirit of Summer strolls through her garden under the full moon.
Seasonal Goddess Altar Art Prints to Celebrate the Magick of Every Season
Celtic Norse Wheel of the Year Print on white paper
Celtic Norse Wheel of the Year Print on white paper
Celtic Norse Wheel of the Year Print on Parchment
Celtic Norse Wheel of the Year Print on Parchment
Druid Wheel of the Year Print on White paper
Druid Wheel of the Year on white Print
Druid Wheel of the Year on Parchment Print
Druid Wheel of the Year on Parchment Print
Wheel of the Year Altar Art Prints on White or Parchment
Celebrating the 8 solar festivals of Celtic, Norse and Druidic origin.  The print can be displayed on your altar and turned as each festival is observed.
Celtic/Norse Wheel of the Year - Parchment
Druid Wheel of the Year - White
Druid Wheel of the Year  - Parchment
Celtic/Norse Wheel of the Year - White
Lugh Celtic Sun God Print Pagan Altar Art
Lugh Celtic Sun God, The Shining One
A God of light and the grain harvest.  Lugh is also the God of fire, metal-crafting, weaving and many other skills.  He is celebrated at Lughnasadh.
High Priestess Print Four Elements Sun Moon Pagan Magick Wiccan Altar Art
Wizard's Workshop Print Pagan Wiccan Magickal Altar Art